Re: [xsl] Stuck on how to properly use 'preceding' axis

Subject: Re: [xsl] Stuck on how to properly use 'preceding' axis
From: Rusty Morton <rusty_morton@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 17:11:46 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks for the help Jason!

You are absolutely right on the EME value - it should
not be shown as well. 

I tweaked your solution just a little since i have to
store the value in a variable - and got it to work
using the following:

<xsl:variable name="distributorVal">	
<!-- only process distributorCodes if canShip and
canOrder are both true -->
='true'][CanShipFlag = 'true'][not(DistributorCode =
     <xsl:value-of select="."/>

Though the above worked - and did in fact remove
duplicates, it also removed some unique values as
The logic above seems to be also removing values if
the CanOrderFlag ='false'OR CanShipFlag = 'false' in
any nodes following the first. When I need it to
return any distinct values within any of the
<ItemsAsMade> nodes where it satisfies the
CanOrder/Ship condition.
For example, seethe sample XML below.....

- <ItemsAsMade>
- <ItemAsMade>
  - <ItemsAsSold>
    - <ItemAsSold>
    - <ItemAsSold>
    - <ItemAsSold>
    - <ItemAsSold>
    - <ItemAsSold>
- <ItemAsMade>
  - <ItemsAsSold>
    - <ItemAsSold>
    - <ItemAsSold>
    - <ItemAsSold>
    - <ItemAsSold>
    - <ItemAsSold>
    - <ItemAsSold>

--------Using the modified Code above, I now get the
following resultset-----


--------When I should be getting the following

It has to be close, I tried moving the
CanOrderFlag/Ship into an xsl:if test outside the
loop, but that failed.
Any more help would be greatly appreciated!!!



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