RE: [xsl] Java XSLT transformer

Subject: RE: [xsl] Java XSLT transformer
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 07:10:09 +0100
If Saxon is on your classpath then unless you do anything special,
TransformerFactory.newInstance() will give you Saxon. If you want Xalan,
either take Saxon off the classpath, or set the system property (I'm not
sure to what).

Michael Kay

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mohsen Saboorian [mailto:mohsens@xxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: 15 July 2006 07:06
> To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [xsl] Java XSLT transformer
> Hi,
> I'm trying to transform an XML with a given XSTL using JRE 
> default transformer (not sure, but I think it should be Xerces:
> I have saxon 8.0 in my classpath, and when I transform to 
> html, <xsl:value-of select = "system-property('xsl:vendor')" 
> /> prints out "SAXON 8.7.1 from Saxonica" !
> It is notable that
> System.getProperty("javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory") 
> returns null.

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