Re: [xsl] XPath 2.0 Datatypes namespace

Subject: Re: [xsl] XPath 2.0 Datatypes namespace
From: Colin Paul Adams <colin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 04 Aug 2006 12:20:11 +0100
>>>>> "tom" == tom tom <tomxsllist@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    tom> Hi all, I wish to calculate the time in another timezone, to
    tom> acheive this I am using the following structure:

    tom> <xsl:sequence
    tom> select="adjust-time-to-timezone(xs:time('10:00:00-04:00'),
    tom> xdt:dayTimeDuration('PT4H'))"/>

    tom> which returns 18:00:00+04:00.

    tom> 1. According to
    tom> xs:dayTimeDuration is a type defined in the
    tom> namespace. Why, then, can I
    tom> only get this to work in the
    tom> namespace when using
    tom> Saxon 8?

Because the namespace has only recently changed, and the version of
Saxon you are using does not reflect that change yet.

    tom> 2. Why do I need to declare the datatype atall given that the
    tom> function is expecting a dayTime Duration datatype, ie why can
    tom> I just use:

    tom> <xsl:sequence
    tom> select="adjust-time-to-timezone(xs:time('10:00:00-04:00'),
    tom> PT4H)"/> ?

Because PT4H is a step expression, not a literal.

    tom> 3. Am I unwise to be using this functionality until these
    tom> standards become recommendations?

No. You just have to be prepared to make the occaisional change.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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