Re: [xsl] [XSLT 2.0] Checking that an element's value has the desired datatype?

Subject: Re: [xsl] [XSLT 2.0] Checking that an element's value has the desired datatype?
From: Abel Braaksma <>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 13:19:08 +0200
Costello, Roger L. wrote:
Can you think of a value for the Altitude element that the XSLT template would reject, but a schema validator would accept?

Yes. " 23 "

Good catch! The XSLT expression should be:

matches(flt:Aircraft/flt:Altitude, '^\s*[+\-]?[0-9]+\s$')
You do not need the backslash for the minus sign (end/beginning char class), and I am sure you would want to allow for no spaces at the end. Perhaps this is a little easier to read:


What about numeric values expressed in exponentional notation? These are (with a side step to xs:double) easily castable as integer. Of course, that should only apply to values that have no decimals (not sure of reqs). If you need it, you can expand your expression so:

matches(flt:Aircraft/flt:Altitude, '^\s*[+-]?\d+([eE]+?\d+)?\s*$')

-- Abel Braaksma

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