[xsl] Can't use variable as temporary tree in XSLT 2.0

Subject: [xsl] Can't use variable as temporary tree in XSLT 2.0
From: cknell@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 13:14:53 -0400
This is something I must have done a hundred times, but today I keep butting my head against the wall.

I'm using XLST 2.0 (Saxon 8.7.3j).

I've stripped it down to the simplest example I could imagine and tried with that, but I still don't get what I expect.

In my stylesheet, in a template, I have this variable defined:

<xsl:variable name="months">

Immediately after that I have this:

<tr><td><xsl:value-of select="$months/months/month[position()=1]" /></td></tr>

In my result document I expect to see:


What I get is:


Please someone tell me what I don't see.


Charles Knell
cknell@xxxxxxxxxx - email

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