Re: [xsl] How to use generate-id() inside an xsl:function without a node available?

Subject: Re: [xsl] How to use generate-id() inside an xsl:function without a node available?
From: Abel Braaksma <>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 16:40:48 +0100
Andrew Welch wrote:

I'm sure Saxon used to generate consistent id's across transformation runs along the lines of "d01e01" where d roughly meant document and e meant element - I'm sure I used to rely (wrongly) on the consistency and then had to create my own count after the algorithm changed - somewhere around early version 7. There were also (iirc) some conversations about how "d" couldn't be consistent if the document came from a Stream... Maybe Abel's read those posts somewhere?

Perhaps I did, perhaps it was about the IS operator, I can't recall. But thanks to you and Michael I have a clear picture now ;)

-- Abel

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