Re: [xsl] PHP XSL adds Content-Type meta

Subject: Re: [xsl] PHP XSL adds Content-Type meta
From: Abel Braaksma <>
Date: Tue, 08 May 2007 11:20:20 +0200
Martynas Jusevicius wrote:
Yeah, sorry, what I meant there was content type:
"This is not needed, because the content type is not known at this
point and negotiated later according to the HTTP headers."
I'm using HTTP headers to specify content type/encoding as well.

I'm trying to run the command line XSLT.
The output string is directly sent as a response. I think it would be
even more weird for PHP or Apache to add meta tags than for libxsl,
but lets see.

I don't know libxsl, but you specify XML as output, which means that there's no chance that the output gets certain elements added.

hmmm, provided, that this element is not part of the default elements in the DTD (I'm not sure, but I've heard that default elements may be added in a valid XML file without fuzz, because it does not change the the XML tree when you do so).

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