[xsl] eliminating duplicates

Subject: [xsl] eliminating duplicates
From: Garvin Riensche <g.riensche@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 22:05:10 +0200

I am wondering what's the best way of getting rid of duplicate nodes which contain more than one attribute. Suppose I have den following xml:

<edge source="IGetter" target="CGetter" dependency="positive"/> <edge source="IGetter" target="CGetter" dependency="positive"/> <edge source="IGetter" target="CCount" dependency="positive"/> <edge source="ICount" target="IGetter" dependency="positive"/> <edge source="ICount" target="CGetter" dependency="positive"/> <edge source="ICount" target="ICount" dependency="positive"/> <edge source="ICount" target="CCount" dependency="positive"/> <edge source="ICount" target="CCount" dependency="positive"/>

How do I get rid of one
<edge source="IGetter" target="CGetter" dependency="positive"/>
and one
<edge source="ICount" target="CCount" dependency="positive"/>
which appear twice?

If there was only one attribute, lets say "source" it would be simple:

<xsl:for-each select="//edge[not(./@source=preceding-sibling::edge/@source)]">
<xsl:copy-of select="."/>

So I thought with more attributes this would work:
<xsl:for-each select="//edge[not(./@source=preceding-sibling::edge/@source
		and ./@target=preceding-sibling::edge/@target
		and ./@dependency=preceding-sibling::edge/@dependency

But of course it doesen't because in one iterartion the "preceding-siblings" doesn't point to the same element.

So, any help would be appreciated on how to get rid of duplicates.


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