[xsl] Unwanted New Line on Output

Subject: [xsl] Unwanted New Line on Output
From: Matt <puskas.duck@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 10:49:17 +0100
Morning list!

I have the following XML structure:

    <EMP_NAME> Fred Bloggs</EMP_NAME>
    <EMP_AGE> 25 </EMP_AGE>
    <EMP_NAME> Joe Smith</EMP_NAME>
    <EMP_AGE> 35 </EMP_AGE>
    <EMP_NAME> Jill Bloggs</EMP_NAME>
    <EMP_AGE> 19 </EMP_AGE>
    <EMP_NAME> Gerry Halliwell</EMP_NAME>
    <EMP_AGE> 45 </EMP_AGE>

I want the following output (as text):

1 Fred Bloggs
1 Joe Smith
2 Jill Bloggs
2 Gerry Halliwell

So my template looks something like:

<xsl:apply-template mode="depts" select="DEPT_DETAILS/DEPT"/>

<xsl:template mode="depts" match="*">
 <xsl:param name="deptID" select="DEPT"/>
 <xsl:for-each select="EMPS">
    <xsl:value-of select="$deptID"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="EMP_NAME"/>
    <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text> <!-- Add CR -->

But the output I am getting is along the lines of:

   Fred Bloggs
   Joe Smith
   Jill Bloggs
  Gerry Halliwell

With the emp name being on a second line. Is this caused because the
dept_id is at a higher level in the XML structure? Is this a problem
with my select="DEPT" actually selecting something more than just the
ID for the department.

Any answers/suggestions appreciated....


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