RE: [xsl] Hidden implementation-defined behaviour

Subject: RE: [xsl] Hidden implementation-defined behaviour
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2007 10:11:23 +0100
Actually the WG discussed whether unparsed-text() should normalize line
endings and decided that it should not (IIRC my view was that it should, but
others felt that "unparsed" should mean what it says.)

It's true that a wise application writer will allow for variations in line
endings, because it's hard to predict how the file will have been written;
but there's no license in the spec, in my view, for the XSLT processor to
modify the contents of the resource other than by decoding the octets into

Michael Kay 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Colin Adams [mailto:colinpauladams@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: 05 July 2007 08:23
> To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [xsl] Hidden implementation-defined behaviour
> I have just discovered an interesting difference in behaviour 
> between saxon and gexslt with respect to unparsed-text() that 
> appears to be undefined by the spec.
> Gexslt is ready the file as a text file (which seems 
> reasonable given the name of the function, but not mandated 
> by the spec, which just talks about the contents of the 
> resource), and accordingly CRLF combinations (this is a 
> windows file on windows) are being read as a single newline, 
> so now CRs are present in resulting string.
> On the otherhand Saxon retains the CRs in the resulting 
> string (I noticed the difference as I was calling string-length).
> As far as I can see, both behaviours are legitimate, so it is 
> something to beware of (calling translate(unparsed-text($uri, 
> "&#13;", "")) gives portable behaviour).
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