Re: [xsl] XSLT 2.0: Schema-aware processor: What are the compelling advantages o

Subject: Re: [xsl] XSLT 2.0: Schema-aware processor: What are the compelling advantages o
From: Abel Braaksma <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 14:02:31 +0200
Justin Johansson wrote:
I was able to
run transforms over gigabyte size XML source files faster than any other
XSLT processor at that time .. all on a 386 box with 256K RAM. I got a
bunch of huge XML data files from the Human Genome Mapping Project and felt
very satisfied when my system was able to process these.
Most XSLT processors either croaked or the (Windows) virtual memory system
ground to a halt when the source got over several megabytes. Saxon
survived the best out of all the others .. maybe its use of the tiny tree
helped it to conserve main memory ???

One for your manager's talk selling points:
AFAIK, the only processor capable of doing large XML chunks (larger than fits into available memory, which usually means larger than availmem. divided by 4.5 MB) in XSLT 2 at a steady level without increasing the use of memory (i.e., streaming) would be Saxon-SA. To make Saxon use streaming, you must however craft your XSLT stylesheet in a particular way. Details here:

I don't know if Colin's processor or Altova's processor are capable of doing that.

One liner: "speedily processing large XML documents without lockups or extreme memory requirements needs Saxon-SA."
Or: "Save $ on hardware with streaming XML / XSLT processing" (but memory is not so expensive...)
Or: "Only with Saxon-SA it is possible to process documents in the Gigabyte range without performance loss"

Cheers ;)
-- Abel Braaksma

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