Re: [xsl] Allowing users to upload XSLT

Subject: Re: [xsl] Allowing users to upload XSLT
From: "bryan rasmussen" <rasmussen.bryan@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 09:58:16 +0200
For an initial comment, the same security restrictions that apply to

so off the top of my head IIRC these are:

1. use of document function - can be used to read local files that you
might not want accessible.

2. use of extension functions in your processor that can run other
type of code - example msxsl script - but you don't have that problem

3. maybe XML security problems, stuff like external entities I would suppose
libxml handles this well though, but have not done research on matter.

By the way I need to sort of do the same thing in a project I am
building. Would you like to discuss this further? I'm going to be
offline for the next couple weeks starting tonight so if you say yes
tomorrow I can't reply for a bit :)

Bryan Rasmussen

On 7/26/07, Andrew Mason <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I was wondering if there were  any security considerations with allowing users
to upload their own XSLT?
I'm using libxsl which seems to guard against infinite loops etc.. but i was
unsure if there were other things which I should consider from a security

thanks in advance

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