Re: [xsl] Rounding errors in financial app transforms

Subject: Re: [xsl] Rounding errors in financial app transforms
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 14:16:59 +0100
> what's the recommended recipe to avoid rounding-error discrepancies
> in financial applications based upon XSLT (2.0) transforms?

using decimal rather than double would be a start.That's essentially
large precision arithmetic, although of course division is still a

On the other hand if you really want to emulate BCD arithmetic exactly
it's probably not too hard to come up with a set of xsl functions that
do that using integer internally. 

> My guess is that even having a standard MulDiv function in XSLT
> wuld help matters floating-point-wise but sadly there is no such
> animal available.

Not really thought about it, but if doing decimal or integer arithemtic
rather than double arithmetic, isn't muldiv the same as the naive
operation of doing the multiplication and then dividing?


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