RE: [xsl] Xsl Include cached?

Subject: RE: [xsl] Xsl Include cached?
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 21:37:44 +0100
> Do any xslt processors cache xsl:include? If not, what 
> strategies can one use to speed this process up?

It would be easy enough to avoid re-reading and re-parsing the module at the
XML level, but I doubt that's a significant cost. It's difficult to avoid
re-compiling the module each time it is included, because in general it's
going to compile into different code each time. For example if the included
module does a call-template name="x", and the including module declares or
overrides a template named x, then the call-template instruction is going to
compile to code that references the overriding template rule. Next time
someone else includes the same module from somewhere different, the
call-template will compile to something quite different.

There is a requirement for independent compilation of stylesheet modules,
but I think that would need a language feature with rather different
semantics than xsl:include.

Michael Kay

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