Re: [xsl] Sorting with Different Sort Keys

Subject: Re: [xsl] Sorting with Different Sort Keys
From: Abel Braaksma <>
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 08:58:41 +0200
Jeff Sese wrote:
Hi list,

I'm trying to sort an xml file with a structure similar below:

        <head>Seite 130</head>
        <!-- contents of div -->
        <head>Seite 132</head>
        <!-- contents of div -->
        <head>Seite 131</head>
        <!-- contents of div -->
        <!-- contents of div -->
        <!-- contents of div -->

I want to sort the div elements according to the head value. But I want to the head the has the string 'Seite' to come before the div the has a head that does not have the said string.

Hi Jeff,

I don't know what the "said string" is, a small example of your wanted output would be nice. But when I guess I think you mean first all "Seite xxx" and then all "xxx", which would be:

<xsl:sort select="head[contains('Seite')]" />
<xsl:sort select="head[not(contains('Seite')" />

-- Abel Braaksma

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