Re: [xsl] XPath - excluding specified childNodes from result nodeList

Subject: Re: [xsl] XPath - excluding specified childNodes from result nodeList
From: Sascha Mantscheff <922492@xxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 09:34:28 +0100
Maybe you want:
   //*[name()='a' or ancestor::a][not(name()='c')]

Steven schrieb:
Hi there,

Hope this isn't an inappropriate post - I'm new to XSL and XPath, and
am currently using the PHP implementation of XPath 1.0. I've searched
around the net but can't seem to find an appropriate way to solve the
following XPath problem.

I'm simply trying to exclude a specified child node from being within
the nodeList created by my expression e.g.


Select node 'a' but remove child 'c' from the result set.

Any tips appreciated.



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