Re: [xsl] Problem while calling Web service through XSL code

Subject: Re: [xsl] Problem while calling Web service through XSL code
From: Colin Paul Adams <colin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 19:24:40 +0000
>>>>> "Florent" == Florent Georges <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Florent> Colin Adams wrote:
    >> On 14/01/2008, Andrew Welch wrote:


    >> It is interesting.

    >> The last bit on making several calls could be problematic if
    >> the evaluation order of Saxon were to change in the future to
    >> be less predictable (for instance, with parallel processing).

    Florent>   The point is IMHO to not do something not guaranteed by
    Florent> the XSLT processing model.  For instance calling only
    Florent> stateless web services (or at least web services whose
    Florent> the state will not interfere).  Or stateful services but
    Florent> with guarantee from the XSLT processing model:

    Florent>     <xsl:variable name="id" select=" soap:request($arg1,
    Florent> '')/proc-id"/>

    Florent>     <xsl:variable name="arg2"> <soapenv:Envelope> ...
    Florent> <xsl:value-of select="$id"/> ...  <soapenv:Envelope>
    Florent> </xsl:variable>

    Florent>     <xsl:sequence select=" soap:request($arg2,
    Florent> '')"/>

    Florent>   I think that this could be useful to get few data
    Florent> within a single transform (several transforms being
    Florent> orchestrated by time-aware languages).  My guess that
    Florent> XProc will be maybe more appropriated for the general
    Florent> case.

I agree wholeheartedly. I wish I had time to implement it.

Anyway, I have added an extension attribute and an extension function
to Gestalt for performing such things as SOAP, XML-RPC, and database

The extension attribute is to xsl:result-document. Gexslt:method
specifies the method used to store the result. For http: URIs, only
PUT and POST are acceptable (the former being the default).

The extension function is gexslt:response-body. It takes a single
string as the sole required argument, which is interpreted as the
(resolved) value of the href attribute on an xsl:document instruction,
and returns any available response body (or an error).

I tested it with Andrew's SOAP example above, and got back an
appropriate SOAP error response.

Maybe an additional extension function is needed to get the
content-type of the response body.

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Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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