Re: [xsl] use of $foo/(//path)

Subject: Re: [xsl] use of $foo/(//path)
From: Florent Georges <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 19:23:28 +0100 (CET)
Andrew Welch wrote:

> Sorry David I've read that a few times and still can't see how you
> would get different results - any chance you could explain it again
> :0)


      <video id='v1'/>
        <video id='v2'/>

with $actor bound to /root/actor:

    $actor//video/@id   (: -> v2 :)
    $actor(//video/@id) (: -> v1, v2 :)

  In the first case, the video is a descendant of actor.  In the second
case, they are descendants of the document the actor belongs to.



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