Re: [xsl] Using native XPath in IE with Javascript

Subject: Re: [xsl] Using native XPath in IE with Javascript
From: "Manfred Staudinger" <manfred.staudinger@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:45:56 +0100

On 18/02/2008, Abel Braaksma <> wrote:
> Using XSLT in a browser through JavaScript is usually easiest with the
> excellent open source Sarissa, which takes away the burden of little
> differences in calling XPaths directly (i.e., the function parameter for
> the namespace is at the end in FF/Op and at the beginning in IE).
Thanks for remembering me on that. I had a look on it some time ago,
but I don't use it, mainly because it requires ActiveX to be activated
in the browser. But I certainly did not know the superb documentation
"Howto", which was a great help for me to sort things out

I did not, however, solve my IE6 problems. As it seems I don't have an
XML document:
	alert(document.xml); ... undefined
	alert(document.documentElement.nodeName); ... HTML
	document.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath"); ... Object
doesn't support this property or method

Here is my checklist:
1. the browser gets an xml file from the server with application/xml
2. the PI triggers the XSLT which is served with application/xsl+xml
3. the xsl:output method="xml"

Is something missing here? Or is my diagnosis wrong?


On 18/02/2008, Abel Braaksma <> wrote:
> Manfred Staudinger wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > >From a posting back in 2004 by Dimitri Glazkov, speaking about IE (I
> > would be interested in the second case only):
> >    I mean, you can very much do XPath in JavaScript, except it can
> > only occur in two
> >    cases (that I know of):
> >    1) As call to an Msxml.DOMDocument object, created using the new
> >       ActiveXObject()   statement.
> >    2) If an HTML document was generated as a result of a client-side
> > XSL transformation
> >       from an XML file.
> >
> >
> 3) on the current HTML document that is loaded in the browser. However,
> note that you have to reload it in a freethreaded DOM object to make it
> work with XSLT (iirc).
> 4) in an msxml:script object, though I wouldn't recommend it.
> Using XSLT in a browser through JavaScript is usually easiest with the
> excellent open source Sarissa, which takes away the burden of little
> differences in calling XPaths directly (i.e., the function parameter for
> the namespace is at the end in FF/Op and at the beginning in IE).
> Cheers,
> -- Abel Braaksma

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