Re: [xsl] passing a sequence as a parameter

Subject: Re: [xsl] passing a sequence as a parameter
From: "Mukul Gandhi" <gandhi.mukul@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 20:38:41 +0530
Sorry, I didn't cross checked with the spec. Thanks for the information.

I wrongly thought, that xsl:param children of xsl:stylesheet could not
have as=type specification.

I misunderstood Colin's remarks ...

On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 8:03 PM, Martin Honnen <Martin.Honnen@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Mukul Gandhi wrote:
> > I think, it's logical not to have type specification (with, as
> > attribute) on xsl:param instruction. We pass parameters to the
> > stylesheet from outside, and making the input environment XSLT/XPath
> > type aware doesn't appear logical to me.
> >
> > As currently happening, whatever that is passed to the stylesheet to
> > xsl:param variables, can be casted in the stylesheet to an appropriate
> > type. I think, this is the correct design ...
> I don't understand what you are saying. If you want to cast the supplied
> value of the parameter to an appropriate type then using the as attribute
>   <xsl:param name="param-name" as="sequenceType"/>
> is the way to do that, see <URL:>
> which says
>   "The xsl:param  element has an optional as attribute, which specifies
> the required type of the parameter. The value of the as attribute is a
> SequenceType  XP, as defined in [XPath 2.0].
> If the as attribute is specified, then the supplied value of the
> parameter is converted to the required type, using the function
> conversion rules."
> So using the as attribute does what you want to do, it casts the
> supplied value to the specified type.
> --
>        Martin Honnen

Mukul Gandhi

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