[xsl] XSL-T should naturally loop? not grabbing all the children node-sets..

Subject: [xsl] XSL-T should naturally loop? not grabbing all the children node-sets..
From: "Dan Acuff" <dacuff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 10:19:59 -0400
I do not know what to do next and I need help.

I have developed and Idea that I could loop through all the category
pages make div boxes of the different categories and show and image and

No matter what I try it stops at the first child node-set and does not
do all 2 or 3 or even the sub-sub-categories. Before I kill 2 more days
on this can I get some help.

Here is what I have so far for the XSL followed by the XML. Help

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";
 <xsl:output encoding="iso-8859-1" method="html"/>
 <xsl:param name="paraCatagory"/>

 <xsl:template match="menu">

 <xsl:template match="category">
  <xsl:if test="(@name=$paraCatagory)">
   <xsl:for-each select=".">
   <xsl:element name="div">
    <xsl:attribute name="class">cat_block</xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:element name="div">
     <xsl:attribute name="class">cat_module</xsl:attribute>

     <xsl:value-of select="category/@display_name"/>
     <xsl:element name="a">
      <xsl:attribute name="href">
       <xsl:value-of select="category/info/link"/>
      <xsl:element name="img">
       <xsl:attribute name="src">
        <xsl:value-of select="category/info/images/image"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<menu id="menuData">
 <!--&#8482; trademark-->
 <!--&#174;  registered-->
	<category name="c1_products" display_name="Category One">
			<titletag>C1 Products from our store - 9 Words
for best SEO</titletag>
		<category name="c1_sub1_products"
display_name="sub-Category c1_sub1">

				<titletag>C1SUB1 Products from our store
- 9 Words for best SEO</titletag>

	<category name="c2_products" display_name="Category Two">
			<titletag>C2 Products from our store - 9 Words
for best SEO</titletag>
		<category name="c2_sub1_products"
display_name="sub-Category c2_sub1">

				<titletag>C2SUB1 Products from our store
- 9 Words for best SEO</titletag>

		<category name="c2_sub2_products"
display_name="sub-Category c2_sub2">

				<titletag>C2SUB2 Products from our store
- 9 Words for best SEO</titletag>

		<category name="c2_sub3_products"
display_name="sub-Category c2_sub3">

				<titletag>C2SUB3 Products from our store
- 9 Words for best SEO</titletag>

			<category name="c2_sub_sub1_products"
display_name="sub-sub-Category c2_sub_sub1">

					<titletag>C2SUBSUB1 Products
from our store - 9 Words for best SEO</titletag>

			<category name="c2_sub_sub2_products"
display_name="sub-sub-Category c2_sub_sub2">

					<titletag>C2SUBSUB2 Products
from our store - 9 Words for best SEO</titletag>

	<category name="c3_products" display_name="Category Three">
			<titletag>C3 Products from our store - 9 Words
for best SEO</titletag>
	<category name="c4_products" display_name="Category Four">
			<titletag>C4 Products from our store - 9 Words
for best SEO</titletag>
	<category name="c5_products" display_name="Category Five">
			<titletag>C5 Products from our store - 9 Words
for best SEO</titletag>
	<category name="c6_products" display_name="Category Six"
			<titletag>C6 Products from our store - 9 Words
for best SEO</titletag>

Dan Acuff
SureSource, Inc.

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