[xsl] String ends with ?, ! or not

Subject: [xsl] String ends with ?, ! or not
From: "Pankaj Chaturvedi" <pankaj.chaturvedi@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 17:34:23 +0530
Is there is way, we can test whether a string ENDS-WITH a ?, !.

<articletitle>Dynamics of the trade balance and the terms of trade: The

I am trying to test, whether the <articletitle> string ends with &quest; (?)
or not. Below is what I've tried to define in my stylesheet (note that I've
tested Unicode value for &quest; as it gives error to define an external
entity &quest;, which I've done by declaring a ENTITY declaration in XML as
<!ENTITY quest            "[#x0003F]" ><!--=question mark --> ).

	<xsl:when test="./articletitle/contains(string(), '#x0003F')">
		 <char><xsl:text> </xsl:text></char>
		 <char><xsl:text>, </xsl:text></char>

Question: contains() function just whether string has '?' in it or not,
which means it will be true for strings like "XXXXXXX The
J&hyphen;curve&quest; YYYY", whereas I need to check whether it ends with or
not (Alas I do not know any functions apart from starts-with()).

Any suggestions please in this regard.



Pankaj Chaturvedi


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