[xsl] Filtering duplicate tags

Subject: [xsl] Filtering duplicate tags
From: "Buddhi D. Mahindarathne" <buddhi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 10:22:55 +0530
Hi All,

Following is my sample xml file.
I want to filter out similar (duplicated) elements and make a new xml
which has distinct values.
Matching and filtering need to be done based on Attribute on the first

<data name="LBL_Inch"> --> Attribute "LBL_Inch"

	<data name="LBL_Inch">
	<data name="LBL_MM">
	<data name="LBL_MM">

After transformation I need a xml file like this,

	<data name="LBL_Inch">
	<data name="LBL_MM">

Please help me on this...

- Thank you all

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