Re: [xsl] Apache FOP 0.94 and current-date() current-time()

Subject: Re: [xsl] Apache FOP 0.94 and current-date() current-time()
From: Kamal Bhatt <kbhatt@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 08:45:11 +1000
You have a couple of options:

* "FOP" (actually Xalan) supports java calls. The syntax is horrible, but it will give you access to the Date class, which is what you need [1]. Not recommended unless you know what you are doing.
* You could pass the date in as a parameter to the XSLT.
* Do as Micheal suggests and use Saxon.
* Try using the date extension [2]. Don't know if Fop 0.94 supports this.

You haven't said if you are embedding FOP or calling in the command line. I would recommend starting by giving the date extension a go.


We are using Apache FOP 0.94, and would like to display the current
system date and time at the bottom of each page.
We tried <xsl:value-of select="current-date()"/> and <xsl:value-of
Unfortunately, the Apache FOP error message is: could not find function:
Whereas Saxon9 can easily carry out this transformation (but not the

What would be the best strategy? to continue using Apache FOP, but to
display the current-date() and current-time().

Thank you,


Kamal Bhatt

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