RE: [xsl] Is a variable referencing a node

Subject: RE: [xsl] Is a variable referencing a node
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 10:00:15 +0100
> BTW, the definition of the boolean() function in the XSLT 
> (1.0) Programmer's Reference that I have is not correct (on 
> page 427), saying for boolean(result-tree-fragment) that:
> ""The result tree fragment is first converted to a string, 
> and the string is then converted to a Boolean.
> The resulting Boolean is true if the result tree fragment 
> contains any non-empty text nodes, and is false otherwise"

Remarkably, I think this is the first report of this error in the first
edition of the book. The paragraph was removed in the second edition,
because result tree fragments had disappeared in the XSLT 1.1 drafts. 

Michael Kay

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