RE: [xsl] Re: Can this all fit into one Xpath expression?

Subject: RE: [xsl] Re: Can this all fit into one Xpath expression?
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 15:49:23 +0100
> I got partway there, on my own with the following:
> //row/entry[Emphasis = 'Address 
> Offset']/ancestor::row/following-sibling::row/entry[Emphasis 
> = 'Physical Address']/following-sibling::entry[Emphasis = 
> 'Instance']/ancestor::row/following-sibling::row/entry[Emphasi
> s = 
> 'Description']/ancestor::row/following-sibling::row/entry[Emph
> asis = 'Type']/ancestor::GenTable[1] 
> This more closely matches the location of the elements as 
> they are in the document

Does the location matter? I would have expected something like

//GenTable[row[entry/Emphasis = 'Address Offset' and
entry/Emphasis='Physical Address' and entry/Emphasis ... ]]

, but this still doesn't check for 
> @type='bold' 

If @type='bold' has to be true in each case, that would be

//GenTable[row[entry/Emphasis[. = 'Address Offset' and @type='bold] and
entry/Emphasis[.='Physical Address' and @type='bold'] ...]] 

or the condition that at least 4 of these 
> conditions be true.

That's then

//GenTable[count(row[entry/Emphasis[. = 'Address Offset' and @type='bold] or
entry/Emphasis[.='Physical Address' and @type='bold']
or ...] >= 4]

(If I've understood correctly)

Michael Kay

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