[xsl] total newbie

Subject: [xsl] total newbie
From: Bill Smith <bfaith1us@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 11:28:21 -0700 (PDT)

I am very new to xml and xsl.  I have what is probably the simplist of
simple.  I have a xml file sent to me from a customer.  When I open it in
excel it gives me a at least 1 line for every PO or more lines if there are 2
or more PO lines.  So If there are 5 POs and 2 of those have 3 PO lines, excel
will show 9 records.  I need fields from the POHeader, POLIne, and ShipTo
sections.  Where there is more than 1 POLine, any header or ship to info I
have is just repeated in those rows by excel, which is what I want.  My
xsl code that I have messes up when I have a PO with more than 1 POLine. 
It adds up the info from both lines and puts them in the same node. Here is
the xml.  There are a ton more fields than I am showing.  I just need a
handful of them.


My xsl:

 <xsl:output method="xml"
 <xsl:template match="/">


Again, if I have say 2 lines on a PO, I will
get 1 line for the PO but say the Buyer element will have both lines in the
same element.  Heres what I get when there are more than 1 line.  Notice all
the elements coming from POLine just double up the data.  I would like 2
different <Order> records.  


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