Re: [xsl] generating unique ids

Subject: Re: [xsl] generating unique ids
From: Vasu Chakkera <vasucv@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2009 19:58:53 +0000
Can u paste the XsLT stylesheet you have or atleast the code where you
think there is trouble?
You must understand why keys are used and how generate id is used.
they are meant to be for two different reasons
So send us a  bit of your code.
remember the XSLT Mailing List Guidelines: Try and give as much info
as possible to get as much help as possible.

2009/11/3 a kusa <akusa8@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi
> I am using generate-id() function to generate unique ids through out
> my document. But I am having a problem here.
> My output looks like this:
> <root>
> <step1 id="idstep_2_566">
> .....
> <step1>
> <step1 id="idstep_2_566">
> </step1>
> </root>
> Now in  my xslt for template 'step1' I have a generate-id() function.
> But for some reason it generates the same id for 'step1' elements.
> How do I prevent it from generating the same id that was generated for
> the previous step1 node? Do I have to use <xsl:key>?
> Any tips or suggestions will be helpful.
> Thanks.

Vasu Chakkera
Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.

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