Re: [xsl] SOAP extension compatible with AltovaXML

Subject: Re: [xsl] SOAP extension compatible with AltovaXML
From: Florent Georges <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 11:05:41 +0000 (GMT)
Fabre Lambeau wrote:


> Has anyone come across (or implemented) a SOAP
or http-send
> extension for XSLT 2.0 that would work with the AltovaXML

  None that I am aware of.  My first advice would be to see if
can switch to Saxon 9.

  If you cannot, the implementation (in Java) of the
Client is (I think) quite properly decoupled between what's Saxon
specific and the rest (if I remember well, the Apache HTTP Client
stuff is not
that well entirely isolated in its own layer.)

  For what I've seen on the
AltovaXML doc, it supports calling
Java methods, so if you're really
interrested, you should be able
to replace the Saxon layer of EXPath HTTP
Client (mostly dealing
with parsing the http:request element and serializing
http:response element.)  They do not say how they pass XDM nodes
to Java
though (they only document how atomic types are mapped to
Java types.)

you're interested, please join the EXPath mailing list
<> to ask for more information.

Florent Georges

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