RE: [xsl] Value of the variable

Subject: RE: [xsl] Value of the variable
From: "G. Ken Holman" <gkholman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 18:02:52 +0530
Interestingly, this question was asked about an hour ago on LinkedIn. The poster of that question gave an explicit input and an explicit output, so it was very easy to be able to answer.

She has a requirement for a comma separating the tokens, which is different than the original poster on this thread, but that is easily removed from the solution I posted to LinkedIn:

t:\ftemp>type siddhi.xml
<book>xxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxx, <i>xxx</i></book>

t:\ftemp>xslt2 siddhi.xml siddhi.xsl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><book><key>xxx</key>, <key>xxxxxx</key>, <key>xxxxxxxxxxx</key>, <key><i>xxx</i></key></book>
t:\ftemp>type siddhi.xsl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="";

<xsl:template match="book">
    <xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates mode="make-tokens"/>

<!--tokenize and wrap any text node children-->
<xsl:template match="text()" mode="make-tokens">
  <xsl:for-each select="tokenize(.,', ')[normalize-space()]">
    <key><xsl:value-of select="."/></key>
    <xsl:if test="position()!=last()">, </xsl:if>
  <xsl:if test="position()!=last()">, </xsl:if>

<!--simply wrap any element children-->
<xsl:template match="*" mode="make-tokens">
    <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
    <xsl:if test="position()!=last()">, </xsl:if>



At 2009-11-26 14:35 +0530, I wrote:
At 2009-11-26 14:27 +0530, Joga Singh Rawat wrote:
What _exactly_ do you want returned from "a, b, <i>c</i>, <b>d</i>"?  If
people do not tell us what they want, it is difficult (and a waste of
volunteer time) to keep guessing what people are asking for.

==>Sorry ken, I can understand that. What I thought that if I get the value
in the variable then I can do it easily. I was trying to do below

<xsl:template match="p">
 <xsl:variable name="txt-with-node" select="."/>
   <xsl:for-each select="tokenize($txt-with-node,', ')">
    <a><xsl:value-of select="."/></a>

Sorry, Joga, you are showing us what you are doing, you are still not showing us _exactly_ what you want. And, the original data and the example above are *not* well-formed XML, so I'm only guessing.

Assuming the input is repaired to be as follows:

"a, b, <i>c</i>, <b>d</b>"

Do you want the result to be:


Do you want the result to be:


Do you want the result to be something else?

The answer we volunteers can give you will depend on _exactly_ what you want. We are still being asked to guess.

. . . . . . . . . . . Ken

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