[xsl] Number of elements with a given attribute

Subject: [xsl] Number of elements with a given attribute
From: Faehndrich Philippe <phfaehndrich@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 01:48:57 +0100

In a piece of theater, I have some verses that are split between different

All verses without a part attribute are complete verses.
<role name='...'>

The other are tagged on the following model:
<role name='...'>
  <verse part="beginning">...</verse>
<role name='...'>
  <verse part="continuation">...</verse>
<role name='...'>
  <verse part="continuation">...</verse>
<role name='...'>
  <verse part="end">...</verse>

I need to know if a continuation is the only one between beginning and end,
the first or the second of two, the first, second or third of three, and so

<xsl:value-of select="count(preceding::verse[@part != 'beginning']) "/> gives
me the count of all preceding verses with part attribute other
than "beginning" from the beginning of the piece, what is not what I want.
I wish to have the count of preceding parts of verse from the last beginning

Could someone help me?

Thanks in advance,
Ph. Faehndrich

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