Re: [xsl] Need help with function to split string and return concatenated string

Subject: Re: [xsl] Need help with function to split string and return concatenated string
From: Syd Bauman <Syd_Bauman@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 19:01:20 -0400
The following is sort of a brute-force approach. I bet others on this
list could do a nicer job. And of course, no error checking, so
leading space, etc., just kills it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="";
  xmlns:xs=""; exclude-result-prefixes="xs"
  <xsl:function name="xmp:coord" as="xs:string">
    <xsl:param name="value" as="xs:string"/>
    <xsl:analyze-string select="$value" regex="^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+) ([NSEW])$">
          select="concat( regex-group(1), '&#xB0; ', regex-group(2), '&#x2032; ', regex-group(3), '&#x2033; ', regex-group(4) )"
  <xsl:template match="/">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="//location"/>
  <xsl:template match="location">
      <xsl:value-of select="xmp:coord(@latitude)"/>
      <xsl:value-of select="xmp:coord(@longitude)"/>

> I'm still knocking the rust off my brain and I've go to the point
> where I wish to split the value of an attribute and concatenate the
> pieces to return a second string.
> I have attributes in my input document which represent latitude and
> longitude. They are presented this way:
> 34.56.12 N
> Where the digits to the left of the first period represent degrees,
> the digits between the two periods represent minutes, and the
> digits between the second period and the space represent seconds.
> The output I'm looking for given the input above is
> 34deg 56min 12sec N
> While I used to be a wiz with regular expression when I regularly
> programmed in perl, I have lost it. I would appreciate some
> guidance.
> My idea is to create a function that would perform this string
> manipulation so that I could use something like this in my
> stylesheet:
> <Data><xsl:value-of select="coord(@latitude)"/></Data>
> <Data><xsl:value-of select="coord(@longitude)"/></Data>
> My input would look like:
> <location latitude="34.56.12 N" longitude="125.6.15 E"/>
> Thanks.

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