[xsl] Relpath_utils.xsl and UTF-8 Decoding

Subject: [xsl] Relpath_utils.xsl and UTF-8 Decoding
From: Eliot Kimber <ekimber@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 11:14:16 -0600
I have released an update to the relpath_utils.xsl that is packaged with the
DITA for Publishers DITA Open Toolkit plugins

The relpath_utils.xsl is a pure-XSLT2 utility package for operating on URIs
and constructing platfrom-specific filenames from them.

Per my recent posts, I've implemented unencoding of URI-encoded UTF-8
characters. This includes implementation of some general bitwise operations
which might be of general interest (shift left, bitwise AND, bitwise XOR).

I think I understand the potential complexity in unencoding that Mike Kay
alluded to earlier as the reason there's no unencode function in XSLT 2,
namely that you have to know what the encoding scheme is to be able to
provide a complete solution. Of course, the solution would be to make the
encoding a parameter to the method, but there may be additional complexities
I didn't stumble on this exercise. In any case, my code assumes UTF-8
because if you're not using UTF-8 for URI encoding, then there's no helping

The source code can be found in the dita4publishers project on SourceForge:


At the moment I only package it in the context of the larger Open Toolkit
plugins, but if there's any interest in using the library in isolation I can
package it separately and make that available as well.



Eliot Kimber
Senior Solutions Architect
"Bringing Strategy, Content, and Technology Together"
Main: 512.554.9368

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