Re: [xsl] XPath that returns nothing

Subject: Re: [xsl] XPath that returns nothing
From: Michael Kay <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 10:56:55 +0100
incidentally () is the _only_ expression that is guaranteed to return nothing and to be safe in a schema aware xslt2 processor. Other expressions that may statically be determined empty may raise an error.

No, that's not quite true in XQuery and even less true in XSLT. XSLT doesn't do pessimistic static type checking. Even in XQuery, you're not allowed to raise a static error for something like

*[current-date() lt xs:date('1900-01-01')]

(which is 'guaranteed to return nothing' but cannot, strictly speaking, 'statically be determined empty')

Michael Kay

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