[xsl] xsl:analyze-string and multiple matching groups

Subject: [xsl] xsl:analyze-string and multiple matching groups
From: Florent Georges <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 14:42:39 +0000 (GMT)

  Let's say I have a string of the form "a:b;c:d;" where there
can be
any number of sub-parts of the form "x:y;", that I'd like
to parse using
xsl:analyze-string.  With the following regex:

which matches indeed, I cannot use the regex-groups to retrieve
all values.
 For instance the following:

    <xsl:analyze-string select="'a:b;c:d;'"
          <group num="0" value="{ regex-group(0)
          <group num="1" value="{ regex-group(1) }"/>
num="2" value="{ regex-group(2) }"/>
          <group num="3" value="{
regex-group(3) }"/>
          <group num="4" value="{ regex-group(4) }"/>
      <group num="5" value="{ regex-group(5) }"/>
          <group num="6"
value="{ regex-group(6) }"/>
          <group num="7" value="{ regex-group(7)

returns the

    <group num="0" value="a:b;c:d;"/>
    <group num="1"
    <group num="2" value="c"/>
    <group num="3" value="d"/>
  <group num="4" value=""/>
    <group num="5" value=""/>
    <group num="6"
    <group num="7" value=""/>

when I would have expected the
following instead:

    <group num="0" value="a:b;c:d;"/>
    <group num="1"
    <group num="2" value="a"/>
    <group num="3" value="b"/>
  <group num="4" value="c:d;"/>
    <group num="5" value="c"/>
num="6" value="d"/>
    <group num="7" value=""/>

  That is, I expected the
regex-groups to match the "dynamic"
number of groups, instead of the strict
"static" or "lexical"
group numbering from the regex string.  I thought that
was what
I was used to in Perl and other tools, by I can't recall for
and I didn't find a definitive answer in the spec.

  Are my expectations
wrong?  If yes why?  And if yes, is there
any general solution to this
problem? (by "general", I mean not
recursing on the string and using substring
on ';' because here
this is a simple delimiter)

  BTW, tested with Saxon HE and


Florent Georges

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