Re: [xsl] Perfomance: 'conditional instruction' vs. 'multi template'

Subject: Re: [xsl] Perfomance: 'conditional instruction' vs. 'multi template'
From: Michael Kay <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2012 20:04:01 +0000
On 03/11/2012 18:42, Daniel Sullivan wrote:
But templates in the importing stylesheet that match have absolute priority over those in the imported stylesheet, so a declarative stylesheet that imports another stylesheet would have the same effect whether the imported stylesheet was declarative or imperative, wouldn't it?

The point is that if you split your code into smaller templates, then you can override smaller parts of your code. It's the same as in OO programming - big monolithic methods can only be overridden in-toto, you can't change parts of their behaviour selectively.

Incidentally, the terms "declarative" and "imperative" for describing this distinction are not really very appropriate. Arguably everything in XSLT is declarative. It's just that some constructs look more imperative than others - especially those like choose and apply-templates and format-number that are expressed using imperative English verbs.

Michael Kay

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