Re: [xsl] XSLT in the job market

Subject: Re: [xsl] XSLT in the job market
From: Richard Fozzard - NOAA Affiliate <richard.fozzard@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 14:21:05 -0600

I sure hope your poll is multiple-choice, since we sure have multiple uses for XSLT!

1. (a), (b), (d) and (e): code generation
2. (a) and (e) SQL

We use XSLT on the server (i.e. Saxon) to do both static and dynamic generation from:

a. Grails (i.e. Groovy/Java) web services with an RDBMS persistence layer (i.e. Oracle, MySQL)
b. Large collections of static (both local and web-accessible) XML files in various dialects

Outputs include HTML pages, various other XML dialects (e.g. KML), JSON, plain text and simple SQL (inserts) and Java code (beans)

I'm probably forgetting some other uses we've had, but those are the primary ones.


Richard Fozzard, Computer Scientist
  Geospatial Metadata at NGDC:

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
Univ. Colorado & NOAA National Geophysical Data Center, Enterprise Data Systems 
325 S. Broadway, Skaggs 1B-305, Boulder, CO 80305
Office: 303-497-6487, Cell: 303-579-5615, Email: richard.fozzard@xxxxxxxx

Max Toro said the following on 07/24/2013 01:21 PM:
> Hello XSLT lovers,
> I have a little poll about XSLT in the job market, your input is much
> appreciated.
> 1) Primary uses of XSLT
> a. Web scraping
> b. View engine in MVC
> c. End to end XML architecture (XHTML, XForms, XSLT, XQuery, Native
> XML database)
> d. Static content generation (e.g. HTML, PDF)
> e. Other (please specify)
> 2) Most common related skills
> a. Java
> b. Sharepoint
> c. Umbraco
> d. XSL-FO
> e. Other (please specify)
> --
> Max Toro

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