[xsl] Can't get expath-file functions to work in Saxon 9.5 PE

Subject: [xsl] Can't get expath-file functions to work in Saxon 9.5 PE
From: Martin Holmes <mholmes@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 13:37:00 -0800
Hi there,

I'm using Saxon PE in Oxygen 15.2 with XSLT 2.0. I'm trying to use the expath-file functions, which the documentation says are available. This is a simple version of what I'm trying:


<xsl:variable name="tempDir" as="xs:string" select="'/home/mholmes/temptest'"/>

<xsl:sequence select="expath-file:create-dir($tempDir)"/>

[... do stuff ...]

<xsl:sequence select="expath-file:delete-dir($tempDir, true())"/>

In both cases, I get errors like this:

Severity: fatal
Description: XPST0017 XPath syntax error at char 0 on line 75 in {expath-file:delete-dir($tempDi...}: Cannot find a matching 2-argument function named {http://expath.org/ns/file}delete-dir()
Start location: 75:86
URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/#ERRXPST0017

My Oxygen preferences are set to "Allow calls on extension functions". Is there something special I need to configure in order to make expath-file functions work? I've tried prefixing the path with "file:/", "file:///" and everything else I can think of.


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