RE: [xsl] Place continued when table cell breaks across pages

Subject: RE: [xsl] Place continued when table cell breaks across pages
From: "G. Ken Holman" <gkholman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 18:39:36 -0500
At 2014-02-23 08:17 -0800, Mario Madunic wrote:
Is there no way of adding 'continued' to a block if it breaks over pages (excluding table headers and footers altogether)?

Not that I can think of.

So in my case, I'm using axf:repeat-cell-content-at-break="true" on a table-cell whose content that I want repeated when the content of a table-row breaks over pages. I'd like to add 'continued' to that cell when it breaks onto the following page.

Yes, I understand.

Currently I'm trying to use regular markers and basically do not understand the language used to define the properties of @retrieve-position. I use markers quite a bit but not to do this and this should be simple to do.

It is only simple to do if you are retrieving content into the table header or the table footer. It is impossible to do (without an extension that a vendor might offer but I don't know of) if you are trying to retrieve content into flowed content.

Your cell content is flowed content.

As for the retrieve-position= attribute and others, check out my XSL-FO book section on retrieving dynamic content in static content. There is a helpful diagram on page 260 that is available for free download on a "try and buy" basis at ... if you decide not to pay for the book, please delete the copy that you download for free.

But, again, a borderless table footer would do it if you aren't already using table footers.

I hope this helps understand the situation.

. . . . . . . Ken

-- Public XSLT, XSL-FO, UBL & code list classes: Melbourne, AU May 2014 | Contact us for world-wide XML consulting and instructor-led training | Free 5-hour lecture: | Crane Softwrights Ltd. | G. Ken Holman mailto:gkholman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Google+ profile: | Legal business disclaimers: |

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