Re: [xsl] XSLT3 - Streaming + Recursive File Output

Subject: Re: [xsl] XSLT3 - Streaming + Recursive File Output
From: "David Rudel fwqhgads@xxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2016 22:33:05 -0000
The first thing I would try is replacing




In general, though, it seems like you have two completely different
operations going on. If you want to prevent multiple threads, why not
just stream the source document twice?

On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 3:07 PM, Mailing Lists Mail
daktapaal@xxxxxxxxx <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have the following problem to solve using XSLT3 Streaming , which I
> have been trying for some time now and i find a road block no matter
> which way I choose. Seems to be an interesting issue to solve, which
> when resolved, will be a very good learning for me.
> I have a HUGE XML ( obviously a starting point for XSlt3 Streaming)
> I am using : SaxonEE9-7-0-7J
> Problem Definition
> 1. Remove a set of nodes(Species) from the source
> tree(UniverseKingdom.xml), which can be  around 1000,000
> 2. Create a File called UniverseKingdom-without-species.xml which has
> every element in UniverseKingdom, except the Species nodes
> 3. Create batches of 1000 species and throw them out into
> AnimalKingdomSpeciesBatch1.xml and so on and so forth till all the
> Species are covered.
> So when the Program runs, I get
> 1. UniverseKingdom-without-species.xml  and 1000 files , each with
> 1000 Species, with appropriate file names
> AnimalKingdomSpeciesBatch1.xml ... to
> AnimalKingdomSpeciesBatch1000.xml
> What I did so far ( after many attempts and which I thought should
> work  but did not work )
> <xsl:stylesheet version="3.0" xmlns:xsl="";
>     xmlns:xs="";>
>     <xsl:mode name="stream" streamable="yes" on-no-match="shallow-copy"/>
>     <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
>     <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>
>     <xsl:template match="/">
>         <xsl:result-document href="output\UniverseKingdom-without-species.xml">
>             <xsl:stream href="UniverseKingdom.xml">
>                 <xsl:fork>
>                     <xsl:sequence>
>                         <xsl:apply-templates mode="stream"/>
>                     </xsl:sequence>
>                     <xsl:sequence>
>                         <xsl:for-each
> select="*:UniverseKingdom/*:AnimalKingdom">
>                               <!-- Call Recursive Templates here -->
>                             <xsl:call-templates name="batch-animal-species"/>
>                         </xsl:for-each>
>                     </xsl:sequence>
>                 </xsl:fork>
>             </xsl:stream>
>         </xsl:result-document>
>     </xsl:template>
>     <xsl:template name="batch-animal-species">
>         <xsl:param name="limit" select="1000000"/>
>         <xsl:param name="batch" select="1"/>
>         <xsl:param name="start" select="1"/>
>         <xsl:param name="end" select="1000"/>
>         <xsl:if test="$start &lt;= $limit ">
>             <xsl:result-document
> href="output\AnimalKingdomSpeciesBatch{$batch}-.xml">
>                 <species>
>                     <xsl:for-each select="*:species[position() =
> ($start to $end) ]">
>                         <species>
>                             <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
>                         </species>
>                     </xsl:for-each>
>                 </species>
>             </xsl:result-document>
>             <xsl:call-template name="batch-animal-species">
>                 <xsl:with-param name="batch" select="$batch+1"/>
>                 <xsl:with-param name="start" select="$end+1"/>
>                 <xsl:with-param name="end" select="$end+1000"/>
>             </xsl:call-template>
>         </xsl:if>
>     </xsl:template>
>     <xsl:template match="*:species" mode="stream"/>
> </xsl:stylesheet>
> Here, the issue was with the template batch-animal-species . Saxon
> Throws Error :
> e:\perf\xslt3>java  -jar saxon9ee.jar   str.xml splitter.x
> sl  -o:StreamAni.xml
> Static error at xsl:template on line 22 column 91 of splitter.xsl:
>   XTSE3430: Template rule is declared streamable but it does not
> satisfy the streamability rules.
>   * Operand . of CallTemplate#batch-animal-species selects streamed nodes in a
> context
>   that allows arbitrary navigation (line 43)
> Errors were reported during stylesheet compilation
> I know that the logic for chunking various batched files could be made
> better or even questionable.. But I was not expecting that the
> Call-Template will fail.
> I am hoping some ninja warriors of XSLT3 can help me with this issue//
>  Seriously can not take No for an answer :) a lot is dependent on this
> ...
> Also, if someone can think of an intelligent way for me to get this
> done with a smarter code, and possibly without using fork( there is a
> admin sitting somewhere in the System who has asked us to create code
> without the multiple threads. He wants to be responsible for the
> number of threads and discourages people from spawning multiple
> threads. If not possible, then I will enforce that forking has to be
> done.)
> Please help ...
> Dak.Tap


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dislodged easily, and the less it is understood, the more tenaciously
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