[xsl] Tokenize followed by compare or satisfies using contains()?

Subject: [xsl] Tokenize followed by compare or satisfies using contains()?
From: "Eliot Kimber ekimber@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2016 16:03:55 -0000
In the DITA processing code, where we are using XSLT 2 and checking for
string matches in attribute values, I have the requirement to see if any
of a number of strings might match.

The current code is:

some $c in $link-classes satisfies contains($node/@class, $c))

Where $link-classes is a sequence of strings and @class is a
blank-delimited sequence of strings.

Another way to do this check would be:

$link-classes = tokenize($node/@class, ' ')

This is a check that will be made a lot so performance may important (or
it may not be). The tokenize version seems simpler and clearer to me but
the satisfies approach has a certain elegance that I also like.

My question: is there any reason to prefer one or the other of these? I
realize that XSLT 3 provides a new way to do token matching in strings but
for now we're stuff with XSLT 2.


Eliot Kimber

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