[xsl] Saxon serialization methods require Saxon-PE to be enabled

Subject: [xsl] Saxon serialization methods require Saxon-PE to be enabled
From: "ian.proudfoot@xxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2018 23:57:33 -0000
I'm using a licenced copy of Saxon-PE embedded in a Java application. One of
the stylesheets makes use of xsl:result-document  with
method="saxon:base64Binary". While developing the stylesheets using Oxygen
Editor this works perfectly. However when running my JAR file from the
command line I get an unexpected message:


Error on line 94 of designmap.xsl:

  Saxon serialization methods require Saxon-PE to be enabled


Looking at the Saxon documentation leads me to the Saxon Configuration File,
but so far my attempts have been spectacularly ineffective! 


I'm relatively new to Java development, so it can take me some time to get
my head around the Saxon Java API documentation, but it's getting easier
every day!

Thanks for any guidance





ian.proudfoot@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ian.proudfoot@xxxxxxxxxxx> 



Isle of Wight 

United Kingdom

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