[xsl] XSLT 4 xsl:with

Subject: [xsl] XSLT 4 xsl:with
From: "Pieter Masereeuw pieter@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 19 May 2020 08:53:48 -0000
Just something that I've always wanted to bring up, but always hesitated 
to do because I don't know if it's really worthwhile:

I often find myself using xsl:for-each for no other purpose than merely 
setting the context, e.g., in order to call a named template or to 
simplify a set of XPath expressions.

Because such a for-each does not repeat, I always add a comment like 
<!-- Merely sets the context, does not repeat -->.

I would be very happy if I could make my intentions clearer by using a 
real XSLT construct in this situation, such as *<xsl:with 
select="...">*. The semantics could also help as an assertion that, 
indeed, the selection has exactly length 1.

The proposed name comes from my first computer language, Pascal.

Pieter Masereeuw

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