[stella] say.a65

Subject: [stella] say.a65
From: Eckhard_Stolberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Eckhard Stolberg)
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 16:16:11 +0100
; TIA (Stella) write-only registers
Vsync		equ	$00
Vblank		equ	$01
Wsync		equ	$02
Audc0		equ	$15
Audc1		equ	$16
Audf0		equ	$17
Audf1		equ	$18
Audv0		equ	$19
Audv1		equ	$1A
; RAM definitions
; Note: The system RAM maps in at 0080-00FF and also at 0180-01FF. It is
; used for variables and the system stack. The programmer must make sure
; the stack never grows so deep as to overwrite the variables.
RamStart	equ	$0080
RamEnd		equ	$00FF
StackBottom	equ	$00FF
StackTop	equ	$0080
; 6532 (RIOT) registers
Swcha		equ	$0280
Swacnt		equ	$0281
Swchb		equ	$0282
Swbcnt		equ	$0283
Intim		equ	$0284
Tim64t		equ	$0296
; ROM definitions
RomStart        equ     $F000
RomEnd          equ     $FFFF
IntVectors      equ     $FFFA
                ORG     $80
NoisePTR        DS      2
                ORG     $F000
; insert sample data here!!!
; output frequency:
; 262 lines * 60 frames / one sample every fourth frame = 3930
; Program initialization
                ORG     $FF00

		SEI				; Disable interrupts.:
		CLD				; Clear "decimal" mode.

		LDX	#$FF
		TXS				; Clear the stack

		LDX	#$28		; Clear the TIA registers ($04-$2C)
		LDA	#$00
		STA	$04,X
                BPL     TIAClear        ; loop exits with X=$FF
		LDX	#$FF
		STA	$00,X		; Clear the RAM ($FF-$80)
                BMI     RAMClear        ; loop exits with X=$7F
		LDX	#$FF
		TXS				; Reset the stack
		STA	Swbcnt		; console I/O always set to INPUT
		STA	Swacnt		; set controller I/O to INPUT

                LDA     #$00
                STA     AudC0           ; set output allways high
                STA     AudF0           ; no frquency division
                LDA     #$02
		STA	Wsync		; Wait for horizontal sync
		STA	Vblank		; Turn on Vblank
                STA	Vsync		; Turn on Vsync
		STA	Wsync		; Leave Vsync on for 3 lines
		STA	Wsync
		STA	Wsync
                LDA     #$00
		STA	Vsync		; Turn Vsync off

                LDA     #$f0            ; set pointer to data
                STA     NoisePTR+1
                LDA     #$00
                STA     NoisePTR

                STA     Wsync

                LDY     #$00
OutVoice:       LDA     (NoisePTR),Y    ;get high nibble
                AND     #$f0
                STA     Wsync
                STA     Wsync
                STA     Wsync
                STA     Wsync
                STA     AudV0           ; put out on volume

                LDA     (NoisePTR),Y    ; get low nibble
                AND     #$0f
                STA     Wsync
                STA     Wsync
                STA     Wsync
                STA     Wsync
                STA     AudV0           ; put out on volume

                BEQ     IncPTR
                JMP     OutVoice
IncPTR          INC     NoisePTR+1
                LDA     NoisePTR+1
                CMP     #$ff            ; end of data?
                BNE     Loop
                LDA     #$f0            ; then reset pointer
                STA     NoisePTR+1
Loop            JMP     OutVoice

; Set up the 6502 interrupt vector table
		ORG	IntVectors
NMI             dw      Cart_Init
Reset           dw      Cart_Init
IRQ             dw      Cart_Init

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