Re: [stella] Crackers' Easy Playfield Graphics Code

Subject: Re: [stella] Crackers' Easy Playfield Graphics Code
From: Nick S Bensema <nickb@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 1997 15:34:00 -0700 (MST)
This code looks effective, but the following technique will make it
difficult to add players, unless you want your players to only be
positionable every 8 scanlines or so, as Centipede and both versions
of Frogger do.

>        LDY  #$08          ;how many scanlines is each block?
>	LDX  #$17          ;number of blocks of data. LDY * LDX = 192! 
>load	LDA  playf0,X      ;load in the data for playfield 1
>	STA  PF0
>	LDA  playf1,X      ;load in the data for playfield 2
>	STA  PF1
>	LDA  playf2,X      ;load in the data for playfield 3
>	STA  PF2
>grfx	STA  WSYNC         ;draw the scanline
>	DEY                ;decrease the block number 
>	BEQ  block         ;if it's zero it's time for a new block
>	JMP  grfx          ;if not then repeat the previous scanline

et cetera.

Instead of spitting out eight WSYNCs, you could use that time to position
or draw a sprite.  Perhaps there isn't time to do both if you want the
full eight scanlines.

Crackers has sort of taken care of a concept I was going to write about:
multi-scanline scanning loops.  His takes 8 scanlines to do not really
that much, but it would have been incredibly useful if, say, he were
writing a Pac-Man game and he used the 4th and 5th scanlines to place and 
remove a row of dots from the playfield.

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