Re: [stella] bad deal

Subject: Re: [stella] bad deal
From: fedeedw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Edward Federmeyer)
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 09:38:58 -0600 (CST)
> Piero Cavina wrote:
> > Did you know that somebody else is selling our games on cartridge?
> Heh, and he couldn't even Oystron correctly.
> >
> > Please note the price tag.
> > I hope their carts have been first bought from Randy, otherwise... :-(

Noone mentioned to me about selling Edtris 2600 via this "isis"- Or jacking
the price up.  There doesn't seem to be an obvious link to an order page.
What is this guy's main page http?

> It has to be that, otherwise we'll just have break his legs.

I notice that it's hosted by "MCSNet", located in Chicago.  That's
convienent.  I have a baseball bat...  :-)


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