Re: [stella] 6 digit score display and other ramblings

Subject: Re: [stella] 6 digit score display and other ramblings
From: Greg Troutman <mor@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 00:16:00 -0800
Piero Cavina wrote:
> At 17.55 16/03/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >Will this work?  If so, any ideas on how to do the delay easily? (small
> >enough for zero-page, so it doesn't need a SC?)
> Isn't this they way Greg has done the TPS mothership?

I just do a JMP (indirect) into a field of NOPs with a dummy BEQ to
create the one extra cycle needed.  That is, the NOPs provide two cycle
precision, and a  conditional that goes to the same place but uses
either 2-or-3 cycles rounds out the timing to single cycle precision. 
Three copies of the sprites which rotate in RAM narrow it down to single
pixel precision.  There are probably better ways to do it, but I needed
the RAM anyway to ORA the lander graphics into the mothership, so it
sufficed.  I've posted the source code so it's in the archives
somewhere.  I'm a little too sleepy right now to go cut and paste it.


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