Re: [stella] Champ 2600 joystick to PC cable.

Subject: Re: [stella] Champ 2600 joystick to PC cable.
From: Songbird <forhan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 16:31:10 -0600 (CST)
On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Ruffin Bailey wrote:

> Once again I have to ask that you forgive me ignorance, but has anyone 
> seen this cable?  It allows you to hook up your 2600 stick to a PC.  Any 
> emu support something like this?  I know Stella 0.7 for the Mac does 
> not, but then this is a PC cable anyway.  It's a little steep @ $18+ 
> S&H, but to lug the sticks back out (or steal them from the 2600 sitting 
> below my TV) and hook them to a PC would be a spacesaver at the very 
> least!
> Ruffin Bailey
> rufbo @ cetlink . net
> PS Found it at:

While we're at it, how about:

for support for almost every pad/stick you can think of!

 /                       /
|  Carl Forhan    <><   | For Atari, Breeders, HeroQuest, and more:
|  forhan@xxxxxxxxxxxx  |

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