Re: [stella] flicker

Subject: Re: [stella] flicker
From: Glenn Saunders <krishna@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 15:45:36 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 7 May 1998, Andrew Davie wrote:
> I'm considering using the PF in effective four colours, by drawing on
> alternate frames at 30fps, each frame being a different colour.  I'm writing
> to ask if someone with actual hardware could let me know if flicker is
> noticeable when updates are at 30fps on a TV.
> Thanks in advance

It's noticeable but it's tolerable.  NTSC has decent persistence of
phosphor, so to speak.  It's really not possible to avoid ANY flicker
sometimes on the 2600.  Games that really pushed the envelope like Solaris
and Stargate would not have been possible without it.  It's a necessary
evil, and if you limit it to 30hz then it's fine.  Anything below that
really starts to get annoying. 

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