Re: [stella] Demo #1 of my 4 colour playfield game "PUSH"

Subject: Re: [stella] Demo #1 of my 4 colour playfield game "PUSH"
From: <kurt.woloch@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 09:59:59 +0200
I tried your demo, but right now I don't know what I should do in this
game. Right now, it seems to draw the left half of the playfield in one
color and the right half in another. There's another way to achieve
that, by writing into a TIA register so that the left and right half of
the playfield will be the same color as player / missiles 0/1. The ball
then will have a color of its own, I think...

With love (and many games to test...)

Kurt Woloch

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